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I took part with my biggest ever participation, this was for the Department for Work & Pensions
This is related to planned changes to how his abilities access benefits towards employment.
I have attended a consultation meeting and have developed two publications providing guidance and suggestions.
This is due to the proposed government bill by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) which could not only affect the benefit they receive but also access more people with disabilities into employment.
My role is to make sure considerations are made towards neurodivergent (including Hidden Differences) and not face a generalised approach and procedures. This is made with an objective approach related to access disabilities into employment.
My role is to represent neurodiversity including those with hidden differences.
Consultation meeting
I have attended a consultation meeting in Birmingham arranged by the Department for Work & Pensions. The proposal document was used to develop a group of discussion tables. My input was addressing the bigger picture including the challenges that boundaries and important points to consider without making this all variety of disabilities are not a disadvantage.
Response publications
From the proposal documents by the Department for Work and Pensions, I have developed a series of publications with analysis. The initial version which included personal experiences his were shared two the DWP team at the consultation meeting. Two versions were made including a general analysis from the easy read person of the proposal documents with the second document providing a direct response linked to the proposal document questions.
After suggestions from the DWP staff, a general public version of the two analysis and response documents was made. (The public version does not include my personal experiences).
Some of the suggestions include embracing disability and neurodiversity in the same way that other diverse members of Society are approached. A suggestion of stronger joined-up thinking to make sure all disabilities including neurodiverse are not a disadvantage when visible in Society. Embracing ambitious people who are talented and have many positive qualities. Also to widen the overall approach including supporting disabilities to start businesses and to access education and training based on their talent.
The featured publications are now available to view online
Select the link below.
Please note the personal verson of the consultation response documents is not available to the general public and is restricted to staff policies and leaders related to the government and the Department for Work and Pensions.
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