Combined Salsa Celebration
A Special creative & participation assignment
during the New Year with Latinmotion
I was involved in something special for one of Birmingham's & the UK's well known team for salsa classes & events. During Latinmotion's 25th year in 2018, I had an opportunity to develop something special as a celebration.
This is developed after five years of attending their classes & events. Then gradually as a participant including a volunteer of some Birmingham based salsa dance conventions including Motioncity (a joint event by Latinmotion in Birmingham & London's Mambo City) & Latinmotion's Annual New Year's festival.
During the special anniversary year, I was on special assignment which combines my creative design and a special participation during the annual event with Latinmotion's New Year Bash to complete its 25th year in December of 2018.
This including designing & developing a special greeting card and for the first time did live public speaking as a special presenter to surprise the founders of Latinmotion my specially designed anniversary card in front of party attendees on New year's Eve at Hilton Metropole Hotel at Birmingham's NEC.
Click on the links below to discover more.
Visit the Dancing Direction index for more on my dancing related involvement, projects and developments