Differences Originals
For the past 20 years, a number of projects have been developed to challenge society's attitude towards individuals with hidden differences with Differences Originals (previously as Differences & Autism Challenge)
A summary of highlights
Asperger Syndrome Survey
A survey to enable people with autism and Asperger syndrome to have their say on how the difficulties affect the support they receive.
Elements of Value
A summary explororation of the postive sense of value towards hidden differences
Value & Dignity
Focusing on the importance of dignity and human rights
Legacy Projects
Brighter Future
A visual art project which shows a visual representation of experiences from people with people with Asperger Syndrome.
Stop blaming people for their differences
A campaign-related project is challenging their judgements towards people with invisible difficulties
Stop the freaks and clown attitude
A visual art project to highlight examples of intolerant attitude from society towards people with invisible difficulties
Move Forwards & Sense of Value
A creative campaign to move one from the basic awareness issues towards people with autism.
Differences Originals is part of Plus Value Awareness online and is presented as a special awareness feature
Discover more and visit Differences Originals online via the Plus Value Awareness website
A summary of the projects and features for Plus Value Awareness & Differences Originals