This mini-feature focuses on a variety of developments related to dancing linked with activity classes, events, special assignments and special projects.
Explore the examples below
Click on the links below to explore
Information of involvement as a dance class assistant
Details of my involvement of the latin dancing conventions Motion City & NYE Fest
The themed information page to remind inclusive dancing
For Autism Dance Day & International Dance Day
Visit the awareness information project via the Plus Value Awareness website (Opens in a new window)
The inclusive suggestions publications for latin partner dancing envionments (Documents available to download & read)
Details of marketing for a community-based dance classes
Promoting classes for Adults and Juniors
Other features to explore
Embrace Dancing
My Awareness online special which empowering the positivity of inclusive dancing regardless of abilities or difficulties
Combined Salsa Celebration
Details of my involvement in a special assisnment with Latinmotion
To showcase the legacy of Birmingham since hosting the Commonwealth Games
This will be transferred to this website soon