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Website Information
Welcome to my new website on Duda
I’m pleased to announce some significant changes that will improve how I share my work and projects with all of you.
Launching a New Website
The website begins with content of updates & developments dated from January 2025 onwards.
I am transitioning from my website on Weebly to this new website hosted on Duda. This platform will allow me to provide you with the latest updates and information regarding my projects and developments. As part of the online changes, a new website
address is created:
Gradual Content Transfer
While the new site will highlight fresh updates, I will also be gradually transferring existing content from the previous website. In the meantime, all previous projects and developments will still be accessible on the previous site.
I will ensure that updates are communicated both here and through my social media channels.
Special transitional index
A special quick links page to access specific content on this new website, along with content still available on my cprevious website. This pages is accessed from my social media channels
Gradually all content on my current website will be transferred to this new website.
The online features Dancing Direction, Embace Dancing along with the specialised featured Combined Salsa Celebration and a new version of Commonwealth Legacy is now available on this website
Changes to the Commonwealth Legacy feature
The feature is redesigned and is now renamed as Beyond Commonwealth
Embrace Dancing
The awareness dancing feature has an improved look, keeping the colour coding for specific content links.
The new improvements will appear on the identical feature on my awareness website "Plus Value Awareness".
Visit the features index to explore
Project information and blog articles
A number of project information has been transfered to this website with the catergories: Creative, Awareness, Participation, Active & Select (Incl Combined Pages). Also some articles has been transferred to the new KMC Blog with more to be added soon
Gradually more content will be transferred here
Visit the transitional page on the content available on this website and over on my previous website
You will notice some changes in the overall appearance, especially with focused index pages, which include a stylised gallery of images with select links to specific content.
Home page
The main home page is redesigned and streamlined. It incluldes an new naviagtion icons with article extracts from the new KMC blog. More improvements to come
Project pages
It takes some time to add colour to some of my project pages which is using the background colour of black.
New Project category icons
To coincide with this new website, a new family of our primary icons related to my projects will start to gradually appear. This is for the project categories: Creative Awareness, Participation, Active (leisure and activity) and Select (including community involvement and combined projects). Also, a special icon design is created for the combined online feature dancing Direction. These icons are help navigate though the different project sections of this website.
Rationale for the Change
The decision to change platforms stems from the limitations I have experienced with my previous website, with the website builder has not been supported or updated since 2022 This has resulted in several challenges, particularly since November 2024, impacting my ability to effectively update content. By moving to a more reliable platform, I aim to enhance the overall appearance and functionality of my website, reinforcing my commitment to sharing my projects and developments.
Using the Duda website builder aligns perfectly with my experience, as I have successfully used it to develop the Plus Value Awareness website for the past decade since its launch in 2015. The Duda website builder is also used for the social enterprise proposal website Aware+Vision
What You Can Expect from the New Website
The layout and navigation of the new site will be familiar yet improved. One notable change is the revamp of the online blog as "KMC Blog", which will consolidate four previous blogs (KMC Update, KMC Life, Fever Extra, and Special Developments) into one cohesive platform.
Showcasing Projects and Developments
To broaden the impact of my projects, I will streamline the number of separate web pages, grouping related projects into thematic summary pages. Additionally, the new site will incorporate a more personal touch, similar to social media, featuring new photo galleries that capture moments with individuals from various businesses, community events, dancing, and entertainment.
KMC blog
The new integrated blog which incoprates updates and insight. Articles which appearing seperately on my previous website (KMC Update, KMC Life, Fever Extra and Special Developments blog) will be appear on the new KMC Blog. It will takes some time to transfer previous articles.
The creative section will evolve into a comprehensive portfolio that highlights my creative developments, with a special emphasis on photography in design and architecture. The portfolio will be incorporated into the new Creative index page and a separate webpage will contain other creative developments
Combined projects
Combined Creative and Active section
I will expand soon the range of photography featured online by merging creative elements with my active interests, showcasing diversity, places, events, and experiences.
Combined Awareness and Creative
Coming soon my projects will be organised into combined category web pages to better illustrate the connections between various subjects and themes.
Expressive Awareness
I’m excited to introduce a new series of mini-features that focus on awareness and self-expression from my perspective as a neurodivergent individual. This will complement the "Differences Originals" feature available online and across social media.
Awareness 25
In celebration of 25 years dedicated to raising neurodiversity & autism awareness, I’ll be launching a special feature titled "Awareness 25." This will not only celebrate past achievements but also showcase original projects developed for this milestone.
I look forward to sharing these exciting changes
Stay updated here on this webpage and updates will appear via social media on Facebook & Instagram
Explore the new website via my home page