It all started two the new year of 2018 when I was nominated for the Thrive Mental Health awards by the team at Google. The award is organised by the West Midlands Combined Authority. This was for my developed for my awareness initiative Plus Value Awareness. Also how the awareness initative enables one of the team members of Google's education & training services in Birmingham (Digital Garage) who lives with ADHD. Accessing the Plus Value Awareness website which enables the Google team to have a better understanding & to be more supportive the member of staff with ADHD.
Then in over the New Year into 2019, I nominated Birmingham's Latinmotion and to give them recognition for their continuous support for specific attendees who live with hidden differences like myself which enable them to continue their presence and remove barriers regardless of prejudice intolerance of others during classes & events.
Despite myself and Latinmotion was not shortlisted he was important to share the special connection on the positive recognition of mental health in the West Midlands region & beyond.
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