A examples of community projects I have been involved with
Community groups
Franz Fannon Empowerment Group Harborne Birmingham
As part of working with the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust I was involved with Franz Fannon Empowerment Group a mental health community group based in Harborne in Birmingham. A help create a promotional leaflet for the group to encourage more people to join. To make this happen I attended the group meetings on a regular basis and consult with the group members.
As part of a project I as initially involved to development of a newsletter as part of the group however this ended after the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust ended its involvement with the group.
Batchley Support Group
with Redditch Borough Council for National Playday
Promotional materials was developoed for a special shuttle buses for a local PlayDay event for children. The National Play day event enabling children across the UK to celebrate play for one day with support from families and local communities. For the Redditch area this project a poster and a leaflet. The completed materials was displayed at the councils community and leisure centre across the Redditch area. The project was produced in conjunction of the Redditch Borough Council and Batchley Support Group. This project is linked with the Connection Bus Marketing Initiative, the project I have developed in my local community to fill in the gaps of local transport information and making it more accessible. This was featured on the local newspaper as part of the promotion of the event by Redditch Borough Council
Batchley Support Group
I have developed promotional and newsletter materials for the organisation
(Marketing posters)
I developed a marketing poster for one of the organisations community regular groups. Including "Time out sessions" a twice weekly group for local people of the community to meet for an informal chat and with a refreshment. Also a poster and flyer was developed to promote a open day for young people to introduce a local youth group
The newsletter was created to highlight a number of initiatives and events for the local Batchley district of Redditch (including the Brockhill area) such as the annual cool by the pool and the involved volunteer projects for young people. The newslettes shows a summary of activities and programmes run by Batchley Support Group. This newsletter was distributed to householders across the Batchley and Brockhill areas of Redditch
Homelessness Event
Youth Homelessness Conference Worcestershire
This event was created by local young people for key individuals and agencies in the county lead by the Worcestershire County Council's Youth Service
My involvement was to initially was to create a promotional poster for the event. Then I continue to be further involved with the event brand identity and documents for the presentation pack. A variety of design materials was developed for a special conference by young people encouraging the variety of agencies with Worcestershire to take action on homelessness. This includes a brand identity, posters and content for the conference pack. All materials was presented to all visitors which was made of representatives from various agencies and organisations across Worcestershire.
I was not only was using my creative skills and expertise but I was also part of the events presentation team. This involved Speaking to the guidance statistics on homeless young people. When the audience was broken up on the local districts I facilitated one of the forum group on particular questions.
Information and Activity services
A family of design and presentation projects was made for Worcestershire County Council's Youth Service in the Bromsgrove and Redditch area
Ryland Centre
An information leaflet was created to inform the young people in the Bromsgrove District the variety of activities and specialised services through the week. This leaflet was distributed to different public locations including the Ryland Centre.
A family of creative and presentation for the information and advice service for the Redditch for a decade.
First edition of creative presentation involve and rebranding with name a contempory branding. I developed the brand idenity of the orginal signpost idenity with a pocket sized flyer created.
Six years later I was involved in redesigning of the brand idenity along with marketing posters, leaflets, stationery along with display materials for staff members. The second redesign lead to record numbers of attendance.
Autism West Midlands
A family of low-budget prodcused mini leaflets was made for the charity's tratining, education and seminars located across the region
Birmimgham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
I marketing poster was created for the NHS trust's local Disability Support group