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A year long especially themed awareness webpage has been created on Mental Health.
This was developed to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week and the relaunch of my awareness project is mental health titled Don't Underestimate. Also, it was developed as a response to specific public figures and capitalist ministers of the government making appropriate remarks which undermine people who have experienced mental health.
A summary of written information includes, how mental health can affect basic skills and abilities, how it can worsen with closed minds and how experiencing mental health is not a lifestyle choice
Extracts from this special webpage will be used for a social media family of templates for post status and vertical stories
Visit the online special via the Plus Value Awareness website
The special web page "We cannot simplify mental health" is available online until early May 2025 it will then be replaced by a new theme while the existing one will be converted into a blog article and digital documents which will be downloadable.
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Plus Value Awareness
The Plus Value awareness initiative is a family of projects, information & campaigns about challenges understanding and awareness for people with invisible difficulties, to see more human rather than medical aspects and to promote and educate a better sense of value. Eventually to develop this awareness initiative to provide in the future potential services, products and social mission activities
Hidden differences are used to describe independent people who live with specific neurological difficulties or Anxiety which is not noticed. This is associated with moderate or mild psychological and learning-related conditions (including Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD & Social Anxiety).
Keith Mckenzie
With a background in Art & Design (including Graphic Design & Digital art) and a participant in music-related film documentaries, events & record label project King Of the Beats including filming and behind the scene preparations. Also has been involved with providing awareness projects, campaigns & information for 20 years with the Awareness brand Plus Value Awareness along with Differences Originals. Also are involved with salsa classes and events including participating in two major salsa dancing conventions in Birmingham