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Round-up towards New Year's Day 2025

Keith Mckenzie • February 22, 2025

The following information below shows a summary of developments and projects during the remaining months of 2024 from October through to New Year's Day 2025.


A new style presentation design was developed for a new style information awareness Project "Smarter Understanding" This is part of redesigning the awareness feature differences originals
New details soon

December marked a special 21st anniversary since developing original and stylish creative Christmas designs. To coincide with this occasion, a special online special is developed to enable online visitors to explore different creative examples over the years. Also, a special creative montage to celebrate the 21st creative festive year.

As part of the same creative festive year, a new combined design was made, which is featured as part of the presentation of the festive online feature, which was available for December and into the New Year.

12 months after designing an interactive digital organiser for volunteering for
Latinmotion NYE Fest, an updated version was developed. This document was expanded and involved; this coincides with my expanding role as a point of call role (a mini supervisory duty for all volunteers on the same timescale).

Find out about my volunteering organiser via visting the volunteering page

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I have started to redesign the awareness online feature Differences Originals as part of transforming my awareness website.
As part of the new changes a new information project became online.
See under Combined projects details of the new "Smarter Understanding" projects.

Major changes affecting the awareness feature for supporting events
Major changes have been made in developing content for supporting awareness events. Due to focusing more on connecting awareness matters with communities & society, I had to limit the number of events to support and be more selective in developing content for supporting events.

For the third year in a row, a special advisory feature was made for selected neurodivergent families friends and direct contacts during the festive season on the Plus value awareness website

When attending the UK's largest Latin dancing New Year's event, I shared a special "Embrace Dancing" awareness campaign video for dance teachers & key participants at Latinmotion NYE Fest. This was shown on New Year's Day. The was recieved with some positive feedback.

More details soon

Disability hate crime research group

I took part in a research group focusing on disability hate crimes on public transport. This was provided by the support provider United Response.

Latinmotion NYE Fest

I have volunteered for the UK's largest latin dancing new year event. My role was expanded with supervirosry duties.

See under the active heading for details of my environment of a special thank you salsa event

I explored several events to either network or learn different insights.

SIC Conference

The day-long event to showcase Neurodiversity with career and enterprise aspirations

Benjamin Zephaniah Exhibition

Located outside the Art & Design (Parkside) campus of Birmingham City University, a presentation of large-scale displays on the life & aspects of a legendary poet & writer.

Social Economy Showcase

The special conference and seminar to showcase leaders and key people in social enterprise in Birmingham, West Midlands and beyond.

Birmingham Design Festival Christmas Social

The special networking and social event from the team at Birmingham Design Festival.

In October and November, I attended different events organised by the digital software Adobe.

Adobe Live
focuses on designers who showcase their projects using the software Adobe Express.

Adobe Express marketing
was a day-long workshop and presentation presented by professional designers and influencers on behalf of Adobe. My intenstions for attending is to find out to develop what can be possible using Adobe Express and also provide a series of workshops on how to use the software.
Both events took part at the Custard factory in Birmingham

Select/Combined projects
Marketing for the salsa thank you event

A special version of marketing materials for the community dancing class in which I participate. This was promoting a special evening to show thanks and appreciation to everybody who has shown their support for the community-based salsa classes with different classes across different communities in Birmingham since 2018.

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A new information awareness Project as part of transforming the awareness feature Differences Originals. The "Smarter Understanding" presents a summary overview of challenging the conventional approach towards awareness and understanding along with my awareness developments. This replaces previous projects, "Moving Forward", and a sense of value.

More details soon

Special Developments
Following an article featured in The Telegraph newspaper in December 2024, I took action. The story headline wrongly stuck with ties every autistic man. This was regarding the disgraced television personality Greg Wallace, who made offensive remarks to think he's inappropriate behaviour with the autistic spectrum.

The action I took against the Telegraph newspaper is part of a wider problem with misrepresentation, especially for those with invisible disabilities, neurodiverse individuals and those living with anxiety. I wrote an insight analysis document on the representation of disabilities and difficulties related to public authorities, government, parliament and the media.

Read my article for details

Find out more

In December I was developing a series of social media videos with trailing short video extracts & promos. Focusing on the content linked with my annual festive, specific greetings and promoting my awareness dancing feature Embrace Dancing. The Embrace Dancing video promo was shown to some of the key participants of the UK's largest latin dancing New year event (Latinmotion NYE Fest)

Read my article on the event NYE Fest

Find out more

Linked with

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Some changes are being developed with my online awareness feature linked with specialised and legacy projects since 2000. The feature "Differences Originals" is evolving with improvement and with a new expansion. 
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