Combined Salsa Celebration
Special Latinmotion 25th Anniversiary greetings Card design
As part of the 25th year of Latinmotion which provides salsa classes, social events & conventions in the Birmingham area and beyond, I was involved in developing a special greeting card design.
Like any creative project it is developed staring with preparations as a starting point of the vision & concept.
The creative emphasis was focusing more on a colourful celebration in a forward direction. This was important to meet the mindset of the Latinmotion team on moving forwards & not looking back. Because of this, this project did not feature any references on the past or looking back. For examples not using using roman numerals or using visual references of time.
This lead to creating the visual background design of vibrant colours with celebration light effects
Creative Development
The design feature minor references of silver colour palettes (which is associated with 25th anniversary) within three dimensional shape. This is used to display the Latinmotion identity symbol & large "25" number brand using the embossed style.
To make sure the concept does not go overboard on celebration a minor addition was made to feature a family of transparent bubbles. To complete the design a low-key greetings text near the bottom on the card front cover with the words "Celebrating Twenty-five years of Latinmotion".
As the card was planned to a surprise a limited members of the Latinmotion team seen the card design idea before it was approved to produce the card into print. Then in December the Latinmotion team members assisted to encourage attendees & other team members to fill and sign a greeting messages during classes, Social events and then during their annual new year bash.
Then during the New Year's Eve celebrations took place, the produced card was returned to me before I presented a live surprise the card to the creators of Latinmotion Mauricio & Zane in front a live audience on the New Year party at Hilton Metropole hotel at Birmingham's NEC.
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