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An insight of an identity reband for my umbrella awareness initiative & website
The changes were made for many reasons.
Firstly a change to how the identity symbol was used for for Plus Value Awareness because a recent rebrand of the transport operator Eurostar looked similar to the previous awareness identity. Despite I developed the previous identity design in the spring of 2021, there could be a risk of potential legal action due to the similarities.
Secondly, due to an increasingly creative and competitive awareness environment, the energy and enthusiasm need to be added with a strong consistency. This led to the introduction of curved value shapes as a visual identity. This consists of a curved upside-down triangle interpreted and a curved "V" for value. This created flexibility and adaptability on different formats & layouts online, on social media (posts & stories) and for printed materials
After 8 years the main font used to be updated as the previous font "Open Sans" was becoming very predictable and was becoming a burden in strengthening and maintaining the appeal to audiences online & beyond. So the use of the font is changed to "Lato" which means to bring new energy and raise enthusiasm to the topics and points addressed. Also, a new collection on flexible use of different typefaces to be displayed with specific projects and blogs for the general public and focused audiences. This is important to gain the attention of a more variety of audiences without appearing patronising or lecturing.
The rebrand is not just for Awareness.
The new style presenting is gradually being rolled out to this website and the enterprise proposal identity. This demonstrates a unified family of projects and developments from myself.
This includes the focus projects from this website and with Aware+Vision.
This is important to gain confidence to community and for enterprise environments.
So in summary the changes to improve enthusiasm, energy while improve appeal & confidence
Futher awareness rebranding is available on the Transformation pages of the Plus Value Awareness website
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