Interactive Organiser

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Interactive Organiser

A specially designed interactive digital document was developed for a volunteering role to host visitors, participants and performers to the UK's largest UK Latin dancing New Year's event and MotionCITY one of the UK's largest latin dancing conventions (a joint event with Latinmotion and London's Manbocity)

As part of trailing several interactive materials including a digital portfolio, I wanted to develop this further by creating a digital organiser as part of my volunteering role for Latinmotion NYE Fest. This incorporates monitoring to make sure all visitors, participants and performers wearing the correct wristband to enter the events area. Also, as part of my role is to direct the visitors & participants to the appropriate scheduled event linked with the correct rooms along with directions.

For many years I have used a printed fold-out document of digital solutions to access information and guidelines which enable me to to be organised and to maintain my role.

However I wanted to develop a unique solution which enable me to be versatile and adaptable to hand any situation that may occur.
So I decided to develop a digital Organiser document to use when volunteering using a a tablet device which has an interactive interface interactive and designed to be responsive to particular requirement access information as part of my volunteering role for Latinmotion's NYE Fest

My approach
The direction in developing this digital concept is to create a system which is quick, responsive and able to access any information very quickly at the same level as being able to digest the content without risking distraction and missing oncoming visitors.


The materials are divided into different areas including main index, sections index link and individual information pages. Additionally, the document also includes short links relevant to a particular page as well as shortcut naviagtion links to access different sections of the document very quickly

The creative
The overall presentation incorporates visual blends, visual effects and three divisional shapes. Unlike general digital documents, a decision was made to use a three-dimensional look rather than flat shapes and colours. This was important to be eye-catching and visually appealing. This is important to maintain the positive enthusiasm to use this regularly during a continuous role for four hours to access information which does not compromise my volunteering role. The bold design concept is presented in a simple but versatile layout.

The document sections are colour-coded with the document incorporated, maps general information, and guides with strong colour banners along with detailed information.

The special interactive document was created to use for a specific tablet device for volunteering and other display purposes.

To coincide with the digital documents a small number of print fold-out materials for me to make written notes on any updates or changes to the event or facilities

Even though this digital organiser concept is intended to replace the family of printed fold-out documents a collection of printed stand-by materials was created as a backup if there were any problems with the tablet device used for the digital organiser.

After trailing the digital organiser the materials were successful and have enabled me to be flexible, versatile and improve the efficiency of my volunteering role.

Find out more about my personal insight in developing this digital material by visiting my insight article on the KMC Life blog.

Find out more about my personal insight in developing this digital material by visiting my insight article on the developments blog.

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