Development summary
Visual art, illsutration with visual effects, writing marketing narrative, Poster markering prototype
A social responsibility marketing concept centred around a transparent heart concept
This is a showcase project was inspired by selective equality & diversity messages and consideration reminders during the message during the pandemic. When I wanted to develop a vibrant use of the spectrum of colour and visual heart associated with valuing the key workers. It leads to different colours and message (my approach) The approach was round visual effects, reflection and backgrounds using different colour themes. (The creative) The creative aim is the heart is delicate as a piece of crystal jewellery. This is based on the concepts This concept can be developed by a business as a social mission campaign or to promote dating services or jewellery.
(The creative)
The creative aim is the heart is delicate as a piece of crystal jewellery. This is based on the concepts This concept can be developed by a business as a social mission campaign or to promote dating services or jewellery.