Development summary
Visual art illustration, visual identity, writing narrative for marketing, marketing poster prototype
A creative marketing showcase project on climate change.
The project provides an unusual visual interpretation related to the carbon footprint. It features a family visual design which incorporates an abstract foot with visual effects.
My approach
I wanted a stronger visual aspect with the visual outcome of our planet depending on our collective actions.
There has been a massive amount of climate change marketing. Especially with the Copa 20 conference in Glasgow in 2021 and constant marketing and campaigns on a climate emergency.
The creative
The abstract footprint visual design incorporates favour examples.
The overall consideration variation includes a transparent white footprint, making the feet clear and effective over planet earth
The footprint concept incorporates flames inside the feet. The overall message is the negative side effects of wildfires and weather disasters if we ignore taking action
The concept focuses on growing grass in the foot shape. The message of the positive outcome if we play out part to save the planet
Incorporates vibrant colours as an interpretation of the rich and diverse planet which can only happen if everyone makes some changes and sacrifices. This concept is used for campaign identity.
I wanted to move away from shouting headline messages which can appear patronising and lecturing tone which can be off-putting for citizens. Instead, the concept focuses on the visual messages with the headline text secondly.
The aim is to be encouraged to make to more rightright choices rather than lecturing. The concept could be for environmental campaigns for governments, public authorities, campaigners, communities and businesses related to social responsibility matters.